Ticket Scanning

Barcode Ticket Scanning Solutions
We have high speed ticket scanners that will scan 1D or 2D barcodes such as QR Code. We also have a complete cloud-based ticket scanning solution which allows you to quickly and easily scan tickets or badges for validity at events, venues or shows. With this solution you can instantly determine if the ticket is valid, a duplicate or previously scanned. Scanned ticket data can be used to create reports or exports of the event results. Call for purchase or rental.

Part#: TCR-101

Call us at 1-800-428-8643 or email us for more information.

Price: Please Call For Pricing

Additional Information

  • Abililty to scan 1D or 2D barcodes including QR Code. 
  • Security to prevent fraudulent or duplicate barcodes from being used. 
  • Present important data fields on scanner for verification purposes. 
  • Data output reports on attendance.
  • Show attendees info on scanner for attendee validity.

Scan Tickets at Events
Check tickets or badges at events, venues and shows using our Ticket Scanners. Whether you need just the scanners or a complete system, MSS Software can help you. Our ticket scanners are quick, portable and powerful. If you need a complete ticket scanning system, then we can use the power of the Internet to connect to a cloud-based database (Ticket Checker) to see if a badge or ticket is valid, a duplicate, or does not exist. Using the Internet or a private WiFi solution, you can scan tickets and badges for real time verification. Our more complete Ticket Checker solution also provides exportable reports of scanned results in real time during or after the event or venue.

Scanning Ticket

Ticket Checker allows you to scan unique barcodes on printed tickets, badges or mobile devices and validate the barcode. If that same ticket number is ever scanned again, then the handheld barcode scanner gives a visual alert. This allows the ticket checker to acknowledge there is a problem and address it. From the mobile device, users are able to see how many attendees have been scanned into the event, how many valid tickets are left, and the number of invalid or duplicates scans that have been attempted.  On-site support is avialble for this. Can't use WiFi or WAN?; then check out our other Attendance Tracking solutions.


Barcode Scanner Screen-Shots for Scan ID and Scan History

              Sample Report of Scans


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